Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you must call to make an appointment for your visit.  Walk-ins are not allowed.  To make an appointment, please call 317-212-4430.  Note, we are only scheduling one day out. For COVID-19 guidance specific to Department of Defense ID cards, please click here.

Secondary Dependency

Secondary (non-primary) dependents can include:

  • Parent, parent-in-law, step-parent, parent by adoption, or any person who stood ‘in-loco parentis’ (in the place of a parent) to you for at least five years prior to your emancipation.
  • Unmarried children ages 21 and 22 who are enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education on a full-time basis.
  • Ward of the court, unmarried, and placed in the permanent legal physical custody of the member, or if not permanent custody for a period of at least 12 consecutive months.
  • Unmarried child over age 21 incapable of self-support because of mental or physical incapacity that occurred while the child was considered a dependent of yours as a member or retired member, or is considered the dependent of a deceased member (while under age 21 or under age 23 and a full-time student).

Click here for more information on Secondary Dependency