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1. Click Edit Map.
2. Click Add Data. The Add Data panel will appear.
3. Determine if you wish to upload a file or add a URL.
(To add a file, jump to step 8.)
4. To add URL data, click the URL tab.
5. Select the Endpoint type.
6. Add your URL. Data will only appear if the information is PUBLIC within the URL that you have added.
NOTE: All URLs should have https. If your URL does not have an "https", it will not work per security reasons.
7. Click add URL.
NOTE: Example URLs are available for testing. Click Show Examples. A list will appear with examples.
8. As a user, you can add files. Click the file tab.
5. Click URL, there are example data links available for testing by click the URL tab and Click to Show Examples hyperlink.
6. Upon completion of adding data to the map, click the "X" in the top right corner to finish.
7. Click Update Map at the top of your map and if finishied with the edits to your map click the continue button.