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Map Title
Allows you to enter a title that will be displayed in the Map List and on the map.
“New Map Title”
Map Description
Allows you to enter a description describing the map you are creating. This will appear under the title.
“New Map map description”
This is optional. Latitude range should be more than -90 and 90 degrees.
Empty; as data is added to your map, this will no longer be empty.
This is optional. Longitude range is more than -180 and less than 180 degrees.
This is optional. The zoom level determines how much of the world is visible in your map. A high zoom number shows a smaller geographical area; a low zoom number covers a larger geographical area. This setting ensure that the map zooms in/out consistently. Zoom must be from 0 to 100.
Compass Azimuth
This is optional. This shows or sets the rotation of the map around the center of the map. The higher the number, the greater the rotation. Azimuth range is +0.0 to 360.00
Empty; 0
Default Basemap
You can select the type of map – Street, Satellite, Hybrid, or Terrain. Only one basemap can be selected.
Scalebar Style
Rule or Line
Scalebar Unit
Rule or line type scale
Scale bar On
Select the check box to enable the scale bar
Not checked
Background Color
The map canvas background is sometimes visible, but usually hidden by the map. Select the color you want the background color to be.
R 255; G 239; B 213
This is optional. Value in pixel units.
Enable Default UI Widgets
Select the checkbox to Zoom and attribute information widgets
Enable Default Navigation, Zoom, Widget
Select the checkbox when a default UI is disabled, enable a Zoom Widget
Enable Default Attributes Widget
Select the checkbox to
Full-Screen Widget On
Enables a full-screen widget
Compass On
Compass widget is enabled
Basemap-Toggle on
A basemap widget that toggles between 2 maps
Sketch on
Enables sketch widget (drawing and Annotation)
Sketch Is Expanded
Sketch Widge will be expanded by default when Checked.
Search On
Enables Search Widget
Time Slider On
Enables Time Slider Widget
Legend On
Enables Legend Widget
Not Checked
Legend is Expanded
Legend Widget will be expanded by default when checked
Layers On
Enables Layers widget
Layers Is Expanded
Layers Widget will be expanded
View Identifiers
Represents data unique to your Group’s Map App and Map