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APAN Did not purchase the license for integrated audio conferencing / teleconferencing, using Universal Voice or advanced telephony.
Currently, APAN uses the out-of-the-box VOIP technology.
Yes, when using VOIP not all participants have the required hardware such as speakers or a microphone.
No. This is limited by Adobe Connect. Currently, you can add a conference line and use audio through the conference line, or you can utilize the computer audio/microphone, but you cannot use both. Due to Adobe's audio system limitations, when this feature is used, you can use the audio from the Conference Line.
If you, or someone on your team, will be using computers with no audio or microphone capability, this may be a solution for you.
Yes. Most do; however, as with any system, we encourage you to TEST, TEST, TEST to ensure your expectations, and what you think you may able to will work for your meeting.