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The 2015 Young Investigators Research Program (YIP) Annual Meeting will be held June 15-18, 2015 at the Basic Research Innovation and Collaboration Center (BRICC). The BRICC is located at 4075 Wilson Blvd., Suite 350, Arlington, VA 22203. The review will take place in the Liberty Room.
After the success of our first Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) meeting, it is our pleasure to announce the 2015 YIP meeting from 15-18 June in Arlington, VA. Our YIP community encompasses a collective group of highly innovative and creative research scientists, this forum provides opportunities for past, present, and interested future YIP recipients to interact with one another and with AFOSR Program Officers. Researchers interested in applying for AFOSR YIP are invited to attend and participate in this year’s meeting. Additional invitees would include key representatives from U.S. universities, industrial laboratory, or non-profit research organization with an interest in the YIP. Attendance is entirely voluntary. AFOSR is not responsible for any costs associated with attending this meeting.
The meeting platform is to build self‐sustaining interactive relationships to advance science, navigate through AFOSR’s Science and Technology mission requirements, and extend this experience to other funding agencies. All past, present, and future YIP recipients are welcome to present their current research via technical presentations or poster sessions. First year and future YIP recipients are encouraged to present their research in poster sessions. Second and third year YIP recipients are encouraged to present their research in technical presentations. Participation in this meeting, does not exempt AFOSR Principle Investigators from fulfilling reporting requirements through submitted reports and during annual portfolio reviews for their respective research areas; therefore, they should not feel obligated to attend or present.
This endeavor will only then succeed if the YIP recipients take the responsibility to build a community of future scientists and thus we are expecting your active participation. Please send your comments and inquiries to Ms. Ellen D. Montgomery (, YIP Program Coordinator. If you would like to present, please provide a title and a brief abstract to Ms. Montgomery no later than 03 June, 2015.
Agenda The final agenda will be posted once we receive feedback on those interested in presenting research in the technical presentations and poster sessions. The agenda will include plenary talks by AFOSR senior leadership on the importance of the relationship of YIPs and AF basic research, AFOSR principle investigator career researcher via AFOSR funding opportunities, panel discussions on the overall YIP process and post YIP career opportunities, a presentation on the federal government planning and budgeting cycle, technical presentations and poster sessions.
Click here to view the agenda.
Registration Click here to register online.
Lodging Attendees are responsible for their own lodging. Local hotels within a two block radius in order of proximity include:
Residence Inn Arlington Ballston (click here to obtain the special AFOSR rate) Hilton Arlington Westin Arlington Gateway Holiday Inn Arlington
Parking * Limited parking is available in the buliding for $15.00 per day (Cash, Discover, Master Card and Visa) * Additional parking is available at the Ballston Common Mall
Directions Click here to view driving directions.
Local Area Dining Click here for information and map.
Contact Ellen D. Montgomery AFOSR/RTB 875 N Randolph St., Suite 325 Arlington, VA 22203 Office: 703-588-8527 E-mail: