Our grants system should automatically send an e-mail reminder to submit annual or final reports according to the award date of the grant. These e-mails should come from technicalreports@us.af.mil. Please add this e-mail address to your safe-sender list.
For Grants with a duration of less than 1 year, no Annual Reports are due.
For Grants lasting more than 1 year an Annual Report is due on the 1 year anniversary of the Grant Start Date and for each subsequent anniversary until the Grant End Date, excepting the last year for which all Final Deliverables are due
DD882 and SF 425
These forms are typically prepared by the institution business office. The instructions for the DD882 and SF 425 forms can be downloaded here: (Download DD882 & SF425 Instruction)
Annual and Final Report
IMPORTANT: Annual and Final reports should be publically releasable. Works-in-progress, in-submission, under review, under revision, and/or published papers should be sent to the IPO separately.
The annual and final reports are technical documents provided by the PI as the primary grant deliverable. Please submit the report as PDF documents. Do not send archived files (.zip or .rar) because our e-mail system will delete the entire e-mail. If the files are too large, please submit them to the IPO using DoD Secure Access File Exchange at DoD SAFE (https://safe.apps.mil)
A recommend outline for your Technical Report (Final or Annual) follows: