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The AFOSR Space Biosciences program aims to drive innovation beyond current technological capabilities by leveraging the power of biology through discovery research in life sciences. As activities in outer space continue to increase, there is a growing need for innovative and disruptive solutions to prevent technical surprises and advance technology in both space and terrestrial environments. This program seeks to explore the complex interactions of living organisms and materials FOR AND IN the space environment, leading to new insights and advancements in space technology.
Broad Agency Announcement can be found here: or by going to and searching for AFOSR.
Idea Day Objective:During the Idea Day event, participants will have the opportunity to present their ideas and proposals that address the basic research objectives of the Space Biosciences program. We are interested in proposals that explore the influence of space environment factors such as magnetic fields, cosmic rays, radiation, microgravity, extreme temperature fluctuations, and low pressure on living systems and biomaterials. Additionally, we are also interested in how biology experiments in space conditions can be better modeled, simulated, and tests.
How to Participate:To participate in the Idea Day event, please prepare a 5-minute presentation outlining your idea or proposal and its relevance to the Space Biosciences program objectives. We welcome proposals from academia, research institutions, and businesses, and we encourage interdisciplinary collaborations and innovative approaches.
For government stakeholders:If you would like to volunteer to chair a session please let me know!
Event Details:Date/Time: Week of 4 March, exact day/times TBD dependent on who signs up and how talks will be grouped into sessions
Location: Virtual on Zoom, link will be sent out to registered participants.
Deadline: 22 Feb to submit an abstract
AgendaCurrently unavailable.
RegistrationClick here to register.
ContactDr. Jennifer Talley Air Force Office of Scientific Research/RTBPhone: 703-696-7336Email: