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Widget List
Knowledge Base
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Table of Contents
1. Account Administration
2. Verint Groups
Verint Group Overview
Manage Group
Group Content, Pages and Widgets
Create a Custom Page
Add and Configure Widgets on Pages
Add and Configure Widgets on a Page
Remove a Widget from a Page
Widget Border Properties
Widget List
Headers and Footers
Feature Content
Add a Tab to Navigation
Enable or Disable an Application
Export Group Content
3. SharePoint Sites
4. Features and Services
5. Troubleshooting
6. Support
Widget List
The following is a listing of all platform-defined widgets:
Abuse Appeal
Displays a form for a user to appeal an abuse report
Accept Invitation
Displays a message to the user to accept an invitation to joining the community or a group
Activity Story Stream
Displays a stream of activity stories from the site with previews
Blog - About
Displays the about blog page
Blog - Browse Blogs
Displays a browse control to view all blogs on the site
Blog - Create Blog
Displays a form used to create a new blog
Blog - Create/Edit Post
Creates or edits a blog post
Blog - Details
Displays blog details
Blog - Email Author
Displays the form used to email blog owners
Blog - Links
Displays links used to view recent blog activity or browse all blogs
Blog - Monthly Archive List
Displays a list of months of archived blog posts
Blog - Post
Displays a blog post
Blog - Post List
Displays a list of blog posts.
Blog - Title
Displays a the title for blog pages.
Blog Post - Create/Edit Redirect
For themes that do not support editing outside of the control panel, this redirects to the control panel editor
Bookmark List
Displays list of bookmarked content for a user
Change Password
Displays the change password from for a user
Comment Form
Displays a form used to add comments to content
Comment List
Displays content comments
Displays a single conversation
Conversation - Banner
Displays a conversation banner
Conversation List
Displays list of conversations for the current user
Custom Title
Define a custom page title
Event Calendar - Add/Edit Calendar
Displays a form for creating a new calendar or editing an existing calendar
Event Calendar - Ad/Edit Event
Displays form for adding a new event or editing an existing event
Event Calendar - Add/Edit Registration
Allows a user to register for an event and displays the status of that registration
Event Calendar - Calendar
Renders an event calendar's events in a calendar format
Event Calendar - Calendar Links
Displays a list of options related to a calendar
Event Calendar - Calendar List
Displays a list of Calendars
Event Calendar - Calendar Title
Sets and Displays Title for calendar pages
Event Calendar - Event
Displays details of a single calendar event
Event Calendar - Event Links
Displays list of calendar events
Event Calendar - Event List
Displays list of calendar events
Event Calendar - Event Registration Invitation Form
Allows Registration Manager to invite/register users for an event
Event Calendar - Event Registration List
Displays registrations for an event
Event Calendar - Map
Displays map of location for an calendar event
Featured Content Slider
Displays a slider of featured content or custom widget-defined items for the current group and child groups
Forum - Capture Thread
Displays the capture thread to wiki form
Forum - Thread
Displays the contents of a forum thread
Forum - Thread List
Displays a list of forum threads
Forum - Title
Displays the title of the current forum page
Forums - Ask a Question
Creates or finds an existing question thread
Forums - Browse Forums
Displays a browse control to view all forums on the site
Forums - Create/Edit Post
Creates or edits a forum post
Forums - Details
Displays details about a forum
Forums - Links
Displays a list of common forum thread
Friendship/Colleague List
Displays a list of pending and approved Friendship/Colleagues
Generic Content
Enter any message, image, video, etc.
Group - Banner
Displays a banner of common group information and links
Group - Contact
Displays a list of contact requests
Group - Create
Displays a form for creating a new group
Group - Description
Displays the current group's description
Group - Links
Common action links related to any group such as membership
Group - Members List
Displays a list of group members
Group - Membership List
Displays a list of members in the group
Group - Title
Displays the title for group pages
Ideas - Browse Ideations
Displays a browse control to view all ideations on the site
Ideas - Create Idea
Form to create or update an Idea
Ideas - Create ideation
Displays a form for creating a new ideation or editing an existing Ideation
Ideas - Idea
Displays and idea
Ideas - Idea Links
Displays links for an idea
Ideas - Idea List
Lists ideas
Ideas - Title
Sets and displays title for idea pages
Invite User
Displays a form for a user to invite a person to join the community
Liked Content
Shows content liked by a user.
Media Gallery - Browse Media Galleries
Displays a browse control to view all media galleries in the group.
Media Gallery - Download File
Form for downloading a file
Media Gallery - Drag and Drop
Enables drag and drop uploading into the current media gallery
Media Gallery - File
Displays a file from the media gallery
Media Gallery - File List
Displays a filterable list of media gallery files
Media Gallery - Links
Displays links related to an individual media gallery
Media Gallery - Slideshow
Displays the slideshow of media gallery files
Media Gallery - Title
Displays the title for media gallery pages
Media Gallery - Upload/Edit File Form
Form for uploading or editing a media gallery file
Renders navigation links based on groups, custom navigation list, or site banner links
Quick Post
Displays a form for creating a status message for the site or current group
Report Abuse
Allows content to be reported as abusive from a link in an email
RSS Feed
Displays the latest items from an RSS feed
Tag Cloud
Displays a tag cloud
Tagged Content List
Displays a list of tagged content
User - Banner
Displays a banner of common user information and links
User - Links
Displays links related to a user
User - Shared RSS Feeds
Displays a list of items in various RSS feeds
User Mention List
Shows content that mentioned a user
User Profile
Displays a users profile information
Wikis - Browse Wikis
Displays a browse control to view all wikis on the site
Wikis - Compare
Compares wiki revisions
Wikis - Edit page
Edits a wiki page
Wikis - History
Displays history for wikis
Wikis - Links
Displays a list of common links
Wikis - Page
Displays a wiki page
Wikis - Page List
Displays wiki pages related to an individual wiki
Wikis Revision
Displays a wiki revision
Wikis - Table of Contents
Displays the pages in their hierarchy for a specific wiki
Wikis - Title
Displays the title for wiki pages
widget list