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The Window-On-Science (WOS) program is an invitational program for prominent international scientists to visit and meet with scientists in the Air Force Research Laboratory. Visitors provide a seminar on their research activity, and have the opportunity to engage in technical discussions with their Air Force counterparts.
Travel grants fund researchers around the world to visit Air Force research organizations such as AFRL or AFOSR. Visits under this program are typically short term (3-10 days). The lead-time required arranging a WOS visit is normally 45 days. The WOS visitor agrees to travel to the US, delivers a seminar, and engage in technical discussions with Air Force laboratory scientists. Upon return, the visitor will submit a written report describing the visit. The grant is paid upon receipt of the visit report. The grant is for a fixed dollar value, not for reimbursement of all travel expenses. Travel may be combined with non-WOS visits and the researcher is free to combine this grant with other travel support from other organizations.
Interested researchers must contact their local AFOSR International Office and reach an IPO for guidance before applying for WOS grants. This is especially true during COVID-19 travel restrictions.