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The Joint AFOSR/ARO MURI Kickoff meeting on New Quantum Phases of Matter (AFOSR) and Non-equilibrium Many-Body Dynamics (ARO) will be held May 8-9, 2014 on campus at the Massachusettes Intitute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA.
Agenda: Not available at this time.
Registration: Click here to register online.
Lodging Information:A room block has been established at the Kendall Marriott. Please use the link below to reserve your room directly with the hotel. The rate is $265 for the specified meeting dates Monday-Thursday, May 5-8, 2014.
Book your group rate: MIT MURI Room Block
To reserve a room before Monday, May 5, 2014 or after Thursday, May 8, 2014, you will need to call Marriott Central Reservations at 1-888-236-2427. Please note that any room night reservations outside the May 5-8, 2014 dates will be based upon availability and might not be available at the group rate.
In addition to the Kendall Marriott, there are several bed and breakfasts in the area that may be able to give a lower rate, but are farther from the meeting location. Please call or check their individual websites for availability.
The Harding House The Irving House The Mary Prentiss Inn
Contact: Tatjana Curcic, Ph.D. AFOSR/RTB Arlington, VA 22203 Office: 703-696-6204Email: