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Welcome to the web page for the Southern Office of Aerospace Research and Development (SOARD). This section provides general information for SOARD and specific information for how to work with Program Officers (POs) in our office. Web links for other SOARD programs may be found in SOARD Programs.
The Southern Office of Aerospace Research and Development (SOARD) is the branch of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research's International Office (AFOSR/IO) responsible for managing the AFOSR's basic research activity in Central and South America. Its mission is to serve as the U.S. Air Force liaison with the scientific and engineering communities of the region by supporting research goals of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) through a variety of international programs.
See the AFOSR/SOARD website for information about SOARD.
SOARD is a field office of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), which is located in Arlington, Va., USA. AFOSR manages all basic research activities for the U.S. Air Force. For information about AFOSR, see:
SOARD and AFOSR are part of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), which has extensive R&D programs in nine different technical directorates at multiple locations within the USA. See the following link for more information about AFRL: Program Officers (POs) at SOARD work closely with POs at AFOSR to fund basic research in the Asia-Pacific region in support of the AFRL mission. SOARD and AFOSR work closely with AFRL scientists and engineers across all technical areas.
At AFOSR, white papers and proposals are solicited through a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA). The BAA addresses broad technical areas under which Principle Investigators (PIs) can submit proposals and receive funding through a competitive process. Technical areas at SOARD are tied to AFOSR and thus the AFOSR BAA. For information on the latest AFOSR solicitations see the following link:
For information on the active AFOSR BAA, see: BAA-AFOSR-2016-0007. Potential PIs should contact SOARD POs to get a sense of their focus and interest areas, and for more information on funding opportunities.
For general inquiries, please email and/or