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Program Description: The program goal is the development of mathematical methods for the optimization of large and complex models that will address future decision problems of interest to the U.S. Air Force. Areas of fundamental interest include resource allocation, planning, logistics, engineering design and scheduling. Increasingly, the decision models will address problems that arise in the design, management and defense of complex networks, in robust decision making, in performance, operational efficiency, and optimal control of dynamical systems, and in artificial intelligence and information technology applications.
Basic Research Objectives: There will be a focus on the development of new nonlinear, integer and combinatorial optimization algorithms, including those with stochastic components. Techniques designed to handle data that are uncertain, evolving, incomplete, conflicting, or overlapping are particularly important.
As basic research aimed at having the broadest possible impact, the development of new computational methods will include an emphasis on theoretical underpinnings, on rigorous convergence analysis, and on establishing provable bounds for (meta-) heuristics and other approximation methods.
SOARD, the smallest of AFOSR’s international offices, was established in 2007 to engage the rapidly emerging Latin American scientific community. Located in US Embassy in Santiago, Chile, SOARD promotes scientific advancements of interest to the US Air Force by conducting research with the leading scientists of Mexico, Central and South America in partnership with AFRL researchers. In FY15, SOARD managed a total of 31 scientific projects with 26 research institutions in Latin America. Because of its unique location within an US Embassy, SOARD also supports the Dept of State mission by promoting S&T cooperation with government funding agencies, and supporting DoD bi-lateral S&T forums in the region. Similar to its sister offices of AOARD and EOARD, SOARD is co-located with the Army’s Research, Development & Engineering Command (RDECOM) Forward Element Command - Americas and the Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) – Americas.
Program Officer: Lt Col Michael Martinez
POC: Ms. Katty MaldanatoOffice ManagerPhone: 56 2 2330