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Program Description
This portfolio links the Air Force Research Laboratory into the world-wide science community. The portfolio objectives are integrating innovative science outside the US vocabulary into the Department of Defense science and technology acquisition chain, matching US Air Force requirements with unique Latin American science resources, and building collaborative, leveraged US and Latin American science programs. US Air Force longer-term science goals are being realized through a teaming strategy with the US State Department, Army Research, Development, and Engineering Command, along with other national and international science investors.
Innovative programs in organic materials chemistry, natural materials and systems, and quantum electronic solids drawing on Latin America's unique biodiversity and infrastructure investments are broadening US Air Force technology capabilities through the portfolio. Program globally-integrated teams aligned with the US Air Force Research Laboratory's Advanced Components for Electronic Warfare Consortium roadmaps are researching integrated silicon photonics and metamaterials. The portfolio has programs anchored in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Mexico, and cross-discipline collaboration partnering with US, Belgium, Singapore, and Sweden-based science leaders.
Funded projects support the current Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) (BAA-AFRL-AFOSR-2016-0007) topics of (i.) Dynamics & Control, (ii.) Atomic & Molecular Physics, (iii.) Science of Information, Computation & Fusion, (iv.) Dynamic Materials & Interactions, and (v.) Energy & Combustion Science.
SOARD, the smallest of AFOSR’s international offices, was established in 2007 to engage the rapidly emerging Latin American scientific community. Located in US Embassy in Santiago, Chile, SOARD promotes scientific advancements of interest to the US Air Force by conducting research with the leading scientists of Mexico, Central and South America in partnership with AFRL researchers. In FY15, SOARD managed a total of 31 scientific projects with 26 research institutions in Latin America. Because of its unique location within an US Embassy, SOARD also supports the Dept of State mission by promoting S&T cooperation with government funding agencies, and supporting DoD bi-lateral S&T forums in the region. Similar to its sister offices of AOARD and EOARD, SOARD is co-located with the Army’s Research, Development & Engineering Command (RDECOM) Forward Element Command - Americas and the Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) – Americas.
Program Officer: Lt Col Michael Martinez
POC: Ms. Katty MaldanatoOffice ManagerPhone: 56 2 2330 3139Email: