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Program Description
SOARD supports several projects that span a broad range of technical disciplines in the area of physics which leverages the technical expertise from Program Managers throughout AFRL. These are supported by SOARD, and generally co-funded by the partnering AFRL researchers. Examples include research in: Synthesis of Multiphase Metallic Oxides by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation; Nonlinear dynamics of self-pulsing all-solid-state lasers; and polymer chemistry developing liquid crystals of Dendron-like platinum complexes for two-photon abortion.
SOARD, the smallest of AFOSR’s international offices, was established in 2007 to engage the rapidly emerging Latin American scientific community. Located in US Embassy in Santiago, Chile, SOARD promotes scientific advancements of interest to the US Air Force by conducting research with the leading scientists of Mexico, Central and South America in partnership with AFRL researchers. In FY15, SOARD managed a total of 31 scientific projects with 26 research institutions in Latin America. Because of its unique location within an US Embassy, SOARD also supports the Dept of State mission by promoting S&T cooperation with government funding agencies, and supporting DoD bi-lateral S&T forums in the region. Similar to its sister offices of AOARD and EOARD, SOARD is co-located with the Army’s Research, Development & Engineering Command (RDECOM) Forward Element Command - Americas and the Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) – Americas.
Program Officer: Lt Col Michael Martinez
POC: Ms. Katty MaldanatoOffice ManagerPhone: 56 2 2330