(Figure from BRICC summary of the AFOSR "Future Directions of Quantum Information Workshop"which took place on 25-26 August 2016.)
The AOARD quantum program topics include the following broad areas: quantum timing, quantum sensing, quantum communications/networking, and quantum computing. In each of these areas, the use of non-classical physical resources to develop beyond-classical capabilities in imaging, sensing and precision measurements, information processing and transfer, or simulation and discovery of complex materials. Furthermore, fundamental studies in support of this research area, such as fundamental investigations of the creation, manipulation, and characterization of entanglement, highly entangled states, dissipation engineering, quantum control techniques, new types of qubit development, and coherent state transfer between different types of qubits. Additional research concentrations areas of this program include the understanding and predictive design of new materials whose atomic and molecular structure, bonds, and defects can facilitate superb quantum behavior. Some examples are: coherence, entanglement, and spin dynamics. Moreover, the study of effects from influences such as elastic properties, vibrations, surfaces, and interfaces on the desired quantum (non-classical) behavior of the material; and exploitation of materials properties and phenomenon to mitigate sources of decoherence and enhance material performance in quantum information applications. Close interaction with AFRL Technical Directorates (RI, RX, RY, RD, and RV) as well as Army, Navy and DARPA colleagues helps to drive the direction of this program.
Solicitation: Grants.gov
Contact Information
Maj. Chris VergienAsian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD)7-23-17 Roppongi, Minato-kuTokyo, Japan 106-0032aoard.quecsf@us.af.milafosr.aoard@us.af.mil