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How to apply for AOARD, EOARD, SOARD Grants?
1 Does the institution have an active SAM account?
If Yes, Go to “5” to submit your Grant Application Package
If No, Go to “2”
2 Does the institution have a DUNS Number?
If Yes, Go to “3”
If No, the institution Business Office needs to request a DUNS #
See top page URL guidance 1“DUNS Guidance” [For Business Office]
3 Does the institution have an NCage Number?
If Yes, Go to “4”
If No, the institution Business Office needs to request a NCage #.
See guidance 2“Ncage Registration” [For Business Office]
4 The institution Business Office creates a SAM Account and registers the institution
See guidance 3“SAM Create Account [For Business Office],
4 SAM Registration [For Business Office] , 4-1 New! SAM statement 19 APR 2018
5 After registering your institution in SAM, creates a account
and complete the Grant Application Package in workspace
5 Guidance
6 Create Account
7 Manage Role AOR Workspace [For E-Biz POC]
8 Create Workspace Add Participants [For AOR]
9 Proposal Package Webform guidance [For AOR and Participants]
10 Proposal Package Actual file guidance [For AOR and Participants]