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ObjectiveThis program seeks breakthrough fundamental science in physics supporting the Air Force’s advanced technology requirements. Recent investments have focused on 4 areas: Optical Sciences, Plasma Physics, Atomic and Nuclear Sciences, and Geophysics. Emphasis is on advancing laser sources and materials as well as particle physics.
Optical Sciences
Plasma and Electro-Energetic Physics The objective of this program is to understand and control the interaction of electromagnetic energy and charged particles to produce useful work in a variety of arenas, including sensors and radar, communications, novel compact accelerators, compact pulsed power, particle-field interaction physics, power-efficient methods to generate and maintain significant free-electron densities in ambient air, plasma chemistry at high pressure, and the physics of strongly coupled plasmas. Innovative science that combines plasma and electro-energetic physics with the high-energy density associated with nuclear forces (e.g. nuclear batteries where radiation produces currents in semiconductors and propulsion plasmas sustained via fusion) will be considered.
Collaboration ToolsFollowing are different ways you can share information with Lt Col Ahlers and your colleagues.
Program Reviews & Meetings
Contact InformationLt Col Kris AhlersAsian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD)7-23-17 Roppongi, Minato-kuTokyo, Japan 106-0032