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Sensors, EM, Devices & Components
This program explores fundamental concepts in RF/EO sensors, Communication, Navigation (GPS/INS), and EW utilizing microelectronics, photonics, electro-mechanical, bio-inspired optical devices, signal processing, and exotic sensor materials to advance current and future Air Force capabilities such as Hypersonics, Quantum, Photonics, and Autonomy. Some examples of basic research areas include: a) Computational electromagnetics (EM) and clutter modeling, b) Scalable low power density phased antenna arrays, c) Nanostructured metamaterials and phenomenological material media parameters, d) Distributed secured networks, integrated sensors, and Sensor management, and e) Semiconductor spintronics and quantum sensor & computation.
This program seeks revolutionary science on all fundamental research relating to Space Sciences (Space weather) and Space Situational Awareness (SSA). For Space Science: solar storm physics and predictions; solar wind and magnetosphere interactions; ionospheric physics, measurements, dynamics, and coupling to the atmosphere and the magnetosphere are included. For the Space Situational Awareness: space environment, space hazards, and space threats are included. Other esearch areas include: RF/EO sensors (ID, Tracking, and discriminating), Antenna, Bistatics/Multistatics radar, distributed/network sensor system, and imaging processing.
Contact InformationDr. Tony KimAsian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD)7-23-17 Roppongi, Minato-kuTokyo, Japan