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Program DescriptionThis portfolio draws on international developments in physics, chemistry, materials science, mechanics, and mathematics to enable new classes of materials for Air Force applications.
About EOARDEstablished in 1952, the mission of the European Office of Aerospace Research & Development (office symbol: AFRL/AFOSR/IOE) is to discover, shape, and champion fundamental research of profound scientific impact and Air Force relevance. Located in London, our area of engagement includes Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and former Soviet states. EOARD provides direct financial support (and support on behalf of other AF and DoD funding agencies) for innovative international science, primarily through research grants. In addition, we support technical exchanges and visiting scientists to foster collaborations between leading researchers and the Air Force research community.
Information for Prospective Grantees/ContractorsInterested in AFOSR or EOARD funding for your innovative research ideas? Here’s how to get started!
Information for Current Grantees/ContractorsAlready working with EOARD? Here’s what you need to know!
Information for Windows on Science (WOS)In addition to support of research grants and technical exchanges, we provide travel funding for foreign scientists to present and discuss their research with interested AF/DoD parties. See WOS information and forms to learn more.
Program OfficerDr. Jason R. US: 011-44-1895-616010Europe: +44 1895-616010DSN: 314-235-6010