This program broadly covers the exploration of new material systems and the use of autonomous experimentation for materials discovery and manufacturing optimization. New materials systems of interest include high-entropy alloys, magnetic materials, programmable materials, flexible electronics, materials for extreme environments, multifunctional materials, and nanoscale materials and structures. Currently, automated processes are used in additive manufacturing, laser annealing, automated fiber placement, device pick and place, and other material processes. Leveraging parallel research in autonomy where appropriate, this program is seeking to provide the foundational science of control algorithms based on advances in machine learning and novel reliable sensing techniques necessary for future suites of tools that will ensure decisions can be made to optimize key product life-cycle objectives such as manufacturability, reliability, and cost (including sustainment). In addition, uncertainty quantification (UQ) techniques and verification and validation necessary for design of material systems for additive manufacturing is of interest. Close interaction with AFRL Technical Directorates (RX, RQ, and RH) guides the focus and ensures the relevance of this program to the Air Force.
Contact InformationDr. Jeremy KnoppAsian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD)7-23-17 Roppongi, Minato-kuTokyo, Japan 106-0032aoard.matdms@us.af.mil afosr.aoard@us.af.mil