This program focuses on developing fundamental knowledge and understanding of computational design related to aircraft structures and robotics. The development of aircraft (including spacecraft) needs the creation of revolutionary products or production methods that have never previously existed. Additional consideration is directed to innovative robotics on the next generation of cyber-physical system. Critical issues on the topic include what we need for the new system philosophy on aircraft structures and robotics. Projects should address one or more of the following (but not limited to): [1] to establish innovative process control strategy for newly developed materials used in aircrafts and robots, [2] to develop aerial robots by analyzing flapping wave aerodynamics both from theoretically and experimental point of views, [3] how to design the complex network system using newly developed sensors and multi-objective robots in the coming cyber world, [3] to develop the innovative navigation methods using artificial intelligent techniques in order to develop newly aerial robots.
Contact InformationDr. Fumio KojimaAsian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD)7-23-17 Roppongi, Minato-kuTokyo, Japan 106-0032afosr.aoard@us.af.mil